3 Questions about Disturbing Thoughts

by Sandra Allen Lovelace @SandraALovelace #WallflowerWomen

Vicki set one final place along the line of glittering trees. The dining table was much too fancy for simple Irish stew, but that was her family’s favorite holiday meal. She took one last look and straightened a fork before she returned to the kitchen stove. It wouldn’t be long before everyone arrived.

It was as if the wooden spoon were stirring her thoughts as she moved it in lazy circles. Was her oldest child devastated from the relationship crisis, would her youngest child’s health continue to decline, and would her middle child continue to complain about being short-changed? And what if . . .

Uncertainty, anxiety, and fear bubbled over as the ingredients came to a gentle boil in the large, cast iron pot. That’s when her morning devotions barged into her mind. Turning down the heat, she walked to the tiny desk space and peered at the passage in her open Bible.

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).*

“I sure would like to take all these thoughts captive, but what does that mean? And how do I do it?” The upholstered stool received her weight as she pondered aloud. “It can’t mean keeping them in my head because that habit makes me their prisoner every … single … time.”

Her eyes strayed to the bay window where a cardinal perched on the feeder. “That guy doesn’t carry a load of worry because God meets all his needs every day.” Gulp.

And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).

“Oh yeah. I forgot about that promise.” She dropped her head. “Sorry about that, LORD. I guess I could avoid these crashes, if I didn’t let my imagination run away with me. Maybe I’m supposed to capture my thoughts and bring them to You in prayer, like prisoners in shackles being dragged to court. That way, Your truth will show me reality. Besides, my scenarios don’t run my life. You do.” A smile plumped her cheeks. “Sure would be grand, if You’d help me with that. Amen.”

  1. What happens when you harbor your thoughts or tend them like stew in a pot?
  2. What happens when you bind them and surrender them to God in prayer?
  3. Is today the day to practice option 2 instead of option 1?

If you give it a try, I’d like to hear your results.
Send me a message.

Joyfully triumphant,


NASB, unless otherwise noted