3 Reasons Not to Hesitate in Prayer

by Sandra Allen Lovelace @SandraALovelace 

Her back settled into the corner of the couch. The dotted pattern invited her to relax. Well, at least her body was responding. Her mind and heart not so much.

Sara reached for her study materials on the lacquered end table. Leaving behind the notebook and pen, she plopped her Bible into her lap. These meetings with her Lord were a daily routine, but a rising tide of unease threatened her peace.

The years she’d spent in the church grounded her in Scriptural truth that had carried her for years. But something was off. Her thoughts and feelings were awash in a sea of uncertainty. Questions flew in silence. Is this need too great? I can’t even imagine a solution. Are these things too small? Should I just keep all this stuff to myself? She folded her hands on the cover of the leather-bound book, fingers entwined. Her entire body broadcast glum.

I’ve been there. More than I’d like to admit. Have you? Here are three prayer hesitation busters.

  1. God invites you to share your self with Him, whether laid low or upbeat.
    Come to me all you who are weary and heavy-laden. Matthew 11:28*
    Shout to God with the voice of joy. Psalm 47:1
  1. No topic is too big for God to handle, nor too small to warrant His attention.
    For nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1:37
    Cast all your anxiety on Him for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7
  1. God tore apart His family for you. He subjected His one and only glorious Son to live a lowly human existence in this fallen world. Before you were born, He named you and arranged Christ’s painful, ugly, humiliating death to ransom your life. There’s nothing … no thing … God would hold back from you.
    For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16
    And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

May we all take up our position as daughters of the Most High God. Come into His presence to release your tears of sadness and shouts of joy. Thank Him for and revel in His goodness from now through eternity.

What makes you hesitate to pray?
Share a tip about how you get back on track.

Stepping out with expectancy,



*NASB, unless otherwise noted


  1. Sandra, this is so good! I never hesitated in prayer as when I finally believed in Him, I was not alone! It took me awhile to learn to listen in prayer, however. It was a big a-ha after a sermon one day. Have a blessed day my friend.

    1. Thank you your input. Isn’t it marvelous that our relationship with our Father continues to grow. 😀

      1. Amen. I love the idea that we grow closer and closer and experience His love more and more deeply.

  2. I especially love #3. He tore His family apart for me. Wow.
    I love that my husband’s inclination is always to pray immediately for a prayer request, rather than say, “I’ll pray for you.” Also, my mother’s model of praying with people over the phone, she was a faithful intercessor.

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