3 Steps to Peace and Joy

by Sandra Allen Lovelace   @SandraALovelace   #WallflowerWomen

Tisha glanced out the window. It wouldn’t be long before her husband returned with their four children. The movie title was too crazy for her taste. Besides, she needed to finish getting ready for their anniversary getaway.

She turned to the preening cat as if he were paying attention. “I’ll just take a few minutes and straighten the linen closet. That way Albert’s mom will be able to find everything.” The midnight mouser glared at her and disappeared down the hall.

Ten minutes later mayhem burst through the front door and flowed up the stairs. It was clear there hadn’t been enough action for their son, too much for their daughters. Tisha did her best to guide everyone toward bed.

An hour later her feet dragged her toward the master bedroom. Her husband was already in bed, reading the international thriller he’d raved about the night before.

She slipped on her favorite green print pajamas. “I’ll be back as soon as I put all the linens away. Shouldn’t be more than five or ten minutes.”

“Five or ten minutes?” He put a finger in his book and rested it on the bed. “Every shelf in the closet is empty and stuff is strewn all over the floor. What ever possessed you to start a project like that when we have to leave so early?”

“I thought it would make it easier for your mother while she’s here.”

“Easier for my mom? Tisha, she’s only going to be here over the weekend. Was that really necessary this late at night?”

Her face fell as she recognized she too wanted to be crawling in to bed. “Well, probably not. But I’m in the middle of it now so I have to go finish.” He shook his head, set his book on the night table, and turned off the light.

Have you ever found yourself in a similar bind? Basic responsibilities fill your days and yet more activities appear until your plate overflows? It’s a peace-stealing and joy-killing scenario and, though the tension sneaks up on us, we’re the main contributors.

If Tisha had considered the actual state of the closet and her motivation, she could have avoided the dilemma. The linens simply needed straightening and, in reality, she was worried her mother-in-law might see any messiness as poor housekeeping.

Similar situations surround us as we prioritize throughout our days. What if we take the strategy further—from which tasks come first to which ones we set aside?

Hint: Jesus did precisely that.

Messiah, Son of God, the Christ spoke three significant words as He hung on the cross. “It is finished.”* Though the world still held hurting people He could help, the specific work He’d been sent to do was complete. We can share that peace at the end of every day once we discern the Father’s will.

  1. Take time each morning to tell God how marvelous He is and that you love and trust Him.
  2. Share you ideas about the day with Him and write them on either a To Do or a Let Go list.
  3. As details change, take them to God before you switch an item from one list to the other.

As we learn to ask for and follow His leading, our gracious God will guide our steps as surely as He did those of the Israelites in the wilderness with pillars of cloud and fire. Our peace and joy will grow as we live in the confidence that we’ve accomplished His will.

Is your To Do list out of control?
Add a Let Go list and share what happens.

Stepping out with expectancy,



*John 19:30 NASB, unless otherwise noted


  1. That’s a great idea with the ‘let go list’ …. different from my Some-day Maybe list and good to be reminded (again!) about actively asking God into the process of decision making .

    1. Oh yes. I’m having to do this more and more as God narrows the path ahead. There are so many good and enjoyable things to do, but some are just not on the menu God has for me. Thanks for the comment.

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