Compassion for Dust

tiredIt’s been a long week, if you know what I mean.
One of those weeks that feels about a year long.

The strain and drain have pretty much wiped me out.
Not much left to write a blog post . . . a coherent blog post.

My fallback phrase lately is “I’m thankful.”
Let me tell you about the current context.

A massive upheaval has engulfed my life, making it difficult for me to keep my balance. I would never recommend that type of exercise to develop spiritual muscles, but it is one the Father seems to employ with me. And this time I’m making real progress.

Usually I recognize the work of His hands in hindsight. For example, I can list many details about our move to Prague in 2011 that confirmed His assignment. Now I’m recognizing the Father’s intervention as it unfolds. It’s a dramatic improvement.

Have you ever been there? Your brain is so distracted you’re not able to come up with what needs to happen next. You’re worn to a frazzle and can’t even figure out what you want. You know that you’re so off balance that you don’t trust your own judgment.

These are the times it’s easier to turn to the Lord and receive His will, knowing it’s far superior to anything you could arrange. I’ve been living in that mode. It’s freeing.

This looking to God and welcoming His will is becoming a habit. Click To Tweet

And in that I am thankful. Thankful for the everlasting arms of the One who made us.
Thankful He knows our every need and how to meet it.
Thankful His compassion is endless toward those He calls His own.

ber-sheva-ben-gurion-194-of-199“As a father has compassion on his children,
so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;
for he knows how we are formed,
he remembers that we are dust.” Psalm 103:13-14

Where is God meeting you these days?
What insights is He granting you about your relationship with Him?
Let’s exalt His Name by sharing His glorious deeds. Comment here.


  1. I laughed and cried through this one–a beautiful post. So glad God’s letting you see Him at whirl even in the craziness. Prayers.

  2. Thank you for taking time to post this reminder to be thankful in the midst of life’s craziness! God has been meeting me lately in His Word with a revived call to prayer.

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