On the Road with Him

ACFWRe-POST with video.
Hope it stays embedded this time.

I’ve been at a conference in Nashville since Wednesday. The meetings from morning ’til night are surrounded by appointments and conversations. There’s a lot to do and learn.

But that’s not the main thread of the gathering.

From the keynote speaker through the sessions and music to conversations in the hallways, the focus has been worship – offering our praise and adoration to God who is worthy of all we have to offer. It’s as if we’re all members of a giant chorus singing of the righteousness and mercy, grace and holiness of our heavenly Father.

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God. 1 John 3:1 Click To Tweet

If your day or week feel a bit overwhelming already, come along into the inner courts and worship the One who holds you in the palm of His hand.

This week instead of opening a discussion, I encourage you to consider the ways God has displayed His goodness into your life.
Then share one of those sweet moments in the Comments below.