Stop. Pray. Gain.

God is holy, set apart with a purpose. Click To Tweet

My day started as usual—up, dressed, walking. Pain hit my right heel halfway down the street. At first it was bothersome, not enough to limp. I ignored it until a sharp edge caught me. Then I tried, in vain, to shake the irritant around to a less stressful spot.

By the time I reached the corner I knew I had to get relief or I wasn’t going to complete my route.

Unlaced ShoeI sat on a bench and removed my sneaker. Turning it upside down, I shook hard to dislodge the offender. A teensy-weensy pebble dropped out. I shook my head in disbelief that such a little thing sidelined me. A smile stole over my lips as I laced up. Pleased that I’d decided to sit down and take care of the problem, I headed off down the sidewalk.

Life is like that, going along smoothly when a tiny detail annoys us. We tuck it into the back of our minds and carry on with the important stuff. Time passes and eventually that small distraction breaks our rhythm and demands attention.

Friends, when bad habits and unchecked sins disrupt our lives, we have the same option I did while walking. We can stop, address the issue, and gain comfort. Our efforts will likely be more complex than dumping a rock out of a shoe, but take heart.

ber-sheva-ben-gurion-194-of-199The Three-in-One is holy. He’s beyond all limits in love and grace, justice and mercy, wisdom and power. Whether you come for redemption through The Son or restoration of fellowship, He lives with those who come to him in humble repentance. On this you can depend.

“For this is what the high and lofty One says—he who lives forever, whose name is holy: ‘I live in a high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.’” Isaiah 57:15

Be revived by the One who revives those who come to Him. Click To Tweet