Vaporize the Horrific Nightmare of Pass or Fail

by Sandra Allen Lovelace      @SandraALovelace      #WallflowerWomen You wake up in a sweat with sheets wrapped around you like duct tape restraints. Uncertainty and Consequences chased you down a dark alley and demanded “Your money or you life” at the point of a .357 Magnum. You gave them all you had, but they weren’t satisfied so… Continue reading Vaporize the Horrific Nightmare of Pass or Fail

3 Insights to Stay the Course

by Sandra Allen Lovelace @SandraALovelace What keeps you putting one foot in front of the other? Especially on days that are less than joyous? Maybe the highs in your life provide sufficient exhilaration to transport you from one spiritual mountaintop to the next. Or the lows force you close to the Savior where He empowers… Continue reading 3 Insights to Stay the Course