How to Exchange Overwhelm for Peace in 5 Minutes Flat

by Sandra Allen Lovelace  @SandraALovelace  #WallflowerWomen  #TimetobeYOU! Maybe, like me, you find it hard to imagine peace in this life, especially lately. Maybe, as I have, you figure real contentment must be for folks more spiritual than you. Or the cost to get there is more than you were willing to pay. Let me assure… Continue reading How to Exchange Overwhelm for Peace in 5 Minutes Flat

Time to be YOU and Enjoy the Abundant Life

by Sandra Allen Lovelace  @SandraALovelace  #WallflowerWomen  #TimetobeYOU! This month’s Year of the Wallflower highlight is . . . ME. That seems only fair since Wallflower Womenis a term I created, and my upcoming event meets our theme of encouragement. My personal experience as well as service to women in 50 countries over 30 years confirms our… Continue reading Time to be YOU and Enjoy the Abundant Life

3 Steps to Peace and Joy

by Sandra Allen Lovelace   @SandraALovelace   #WallflowerWomen Tisha glanced out the window. It wouldn’t be long before her husband returned with their four children. The movie title was too crazy for her taste. Besides, she needed to finish getting ready for their anniversary getaway. She turned to the preening cat as if he were paying attention.… Continue reading 3 Steps to Peace and Joy

No Striving Zone

The scene was familiar. The view was unexpected. The result was powerful. Pastor Hobi was preaching about redemption. He shared about the slave chains of sin being removed by the ransom price of Christ’s blood. He related the rescue of our souls to the first Passover. As he described the well known scene an image came alive in my mind. I saw a… Continue reading No Striving Zone