What Happens When You Save One of The Best for Last?

by Sandra Allen Lovelace  @SandraALovelace  #WallflowerWomen  #TimetobeYOU! With all the fanfare possible, we offer our final highlight for the Year of the Wallflower. Jill Swanson is excellent concluding contribution to our theme of resources for assisting women to discover their God-given design and purpose.

The Downside and Upside of Being an Encourager

by Sandra Allen Lovelace      @SandraALovelace      #WallflowerWomen I’ve been told often enough, and I recognize the signs well enough to believe what I hear. “Sandra, you are an encourager.” And I enjoy my assignment . . . for the most part.

Grace for Runaway Horses

You lost it again. Whether you actually raised your voice or not, the damage is done. You slipped the reins of self-control and your bad attitude reared its ugly head. Like a wild stallion your piercing eyes, sharp tongue, body language broke their constraints and led the stampede of destructive words. Hopefully, realization dawns quickly. You… Continue reading Grace for Runaway Horses